Advisory Services

Define your future. Make it happen

Feeling some pain in your revenue management operations, but not sure where to start? At Ravus, we’re here to help ensure you’re on the correct course, whether you just need a second set of eyes, or help getting out of the starting gates.

Revenue Operations Health Check

Converting leads to cash can become a convoluted, messy process as your team grows. Whether you’re looking to lay the brickwork for hyper-scale, or needing to play catch up in the back office, we’re here to help. We approach transformations with process reimagining via a modern technical toolkit to accelerate change. Let’s not reinvent the wheel together.


  • Gain insights into hidden pain-points costing you time and money, with a roadmap to resolution

  • Understand the investment required to achieve your critical objectives


  • 4-12 week analysis of current people, process, and technology supporting revenue operations

Services and Outputs

  • Develop current and ideal-state systems architecture

  • Roadmap and recommendations for execution

Rapid Proof of Concept (RPOC)

We all get mired in the way things are, and easily lose sight of they way they should be. If you have a nagging gap in your process, a pricing strategy that’s not supported in your current stack, or any other art of the possible thoughts rambling around, Ravus can give you a trusted pulse check on making that pie-in-the-sky a reality.


  • Quickly get a view of the possibilities with limited investment

  • Understand how your needs can be met without the fluff.


  • 4-6 week functional proof-of-concept, leveraging one or more Ravus technology partners

Services and Outputs

  • Anticipated level-of-effort to make it a reality

  • Transparent view of the easy wins and big boulders

Vendor Selection Support

Technology investments can be scary - big price tags and seemingly hefty implementations. Ravus’ repeatable vendor selection framework provides a rigorous, accelerated methodology for making a confident choice in you next purchase.


  • Conduct a comprehensive and educational selection process without starting from scratch

  • Gain an objective, third-party opinion on vendor submissions


  • 6-12 week, 10-step evaluation process

Services and Outputs

  • Holistic vendor-analysis across functional, architectural, commercial, and intangible fields of view

  • Empower your team to make confident decisions with line of sight to implementation readiness
